
Will Contract Work Help Legal Technologists Get Through The Recession? | News & Events | TRU Staffing Partners

Written by TRU Staffing Partners | August 7, 2020 at 4:00 AM
Will Contract Work Help Legal Technologists Get Through The Recession?

The pickings might be slim for recently laid off legal technologists, with on-demand legal staffing providers seeing varying current opportunities for contract hiring. But they all agree remote work will become commonplace in the legal industry. Legaltech News journalist Victoria Hudgins reached out to TRU CEO Jared Coseglia for his unique job market knowledge and interpretation of hiring trends.

"TRU Staffing Partners Inc. founder and CEO Jared Coseglia said recent months have been strong for on-demand legal technologist work.

"His company, which places e-discovery, cybersecurity and privacy professionals in permanent and contract staffing positions, saw an uptick in demand across all legal verticals, he said. With “a big uptick in the privacy staffing for legal support staff in wake of the pandemic” as corporations accelerate their privacy policies.

"Coseglia agreed legal technologists aren’t immune from recent law firm layoffs, but he hasn’t seen 'aggressive law firm cuts.'

"He explained the lower turnover may be fueled, 'Mostly because law firms are generally outsourcing most of the heavy lifting especially for ESI [electronically stored information] and retaining more consultative and project management staff in-house to manage those third-party resources. ESI resources of this nature are generally highly billable with strong margins for profitability within firms.'"

Read the full article HERE!