
The job market is back!
Q1 2021 has been as busy at TRU as any in our history. We have filled more positions in Q1 2021 than in any Q1 in over ten years. Hiring speed has accelerated to unprecedented levels, with executive-level roles filling in three to six weeks and mid-market to entry-level positions filling in days. With hiring for most roles still being remote and anywhere in the country, the volume and availability of talent have made the hiring processes move at warp speed in verticals with need. Let’s be clear—there is no shortage of demand for e-discovery, data privacy and protection, and cybersecurity talent. Find out why below!
As always, our quarterly newsletter serves as a compendium for all TRU original content—and there was plenty of important news and original content delivered from us to you in Q1 2021. This quarter, TRU launched its tenth annual scholarship program, was ranked #175 by Inc. 5000 NY Metro, appeared on dozens of news broadcasts and webinars, and we have even more lined up for Q2 2021.
Please follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to receive our original content as well as real-time news and job alert updates. Enjoy the TRU Staffing Partners Q1 2021 Newsletter!
The TRU Team
TRU Launches Tenth Annual Scholarship Program
The program, designed to foster training and education for professionals in the security and legal technology industries, is in its tenth year of operation and has awarded over 220 scholarships, totaling more than $250,000 in free education and certification. TRU’s 2021 portfolio of partners and their certifications, training, and education delve into diverse areas of discipline, including mobile forensic collection, advanced data analytics, legal project management, processing and hosting of litigation data, cyber incident response and remediation, privacy law and program building, technical e-discovery attorney review expertise, and more! Watch for the announcement of this year’s winners early in April.
Top 10 2021 Job Market Predictions in Legal Technology
For six years running, TRU Staffing Partners has given Legaltech News an annual “Top Ten Predictions” for the legal technology job market in the year ahead. Last year’s predictions were right on target, heralding the normalization and increased utilization of contract and remote work-from-home staffing even before the pandemic hyper-accelerated those trends. This year, TRU foresees the continuation of the same, as well as a privacy program explosion, a greater emphasis on certification, and much more. Don’t miss out on a look into TRU’s crystal ball—read the full article HERE!
Coffee with Privacy Pros Returns
The “Coffee with Privacy Pros” series by TRU in CPO Magazine is quickly approaching three years in publication and continued in Q1 with a submission from TRU Director of Recruitment and Account Management Jess Barre. Barre interviewed Kirsten Daru, General Counsel at Tile, and Sue Gaudi, formerly General Counsel at Globe and Mail, tracing the career arcs of each to highlight what might come after Chief Privacy Officer. Read the article HERE!
Inc. 5000 NY Metro
Inc. Magazine has ranked TRU #175 on the NY Metro regional edition of the annual Inc. 5000 list! The Inc. 5000 Regionals: New York Metro list is the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing New York City area-based private companies. Born of the annual Inc. 5000 franchise, this regional list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the NYC area economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. TRU is especially proud to be one of only eight staffing companies and the sole staffing firm specializing in legal technology included on the list. Complete results of the Inc. 5000 Regionals: NY Metro, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, metro area, and other criteria, can be found HERE!
ACEDS Partnership
TRU and our longtime friends at the Association of Certified E-Discovery Professionals (ACEDS) launched a renewed and enriched partnership in Q1, focusing on providing regular content to the ACEDS audience. The first channel for content is the new series “Eye on ESI,” which provides a quarterly hourlong webinar to report the latest on industry trends as well as practical tips on job search and professional development issues for seasoned and newer lawyers and e-discovery and legal technology professionals. Watch the first offering HERE! The second channel is a monthly blog offering a concise accounting of the month’s definitive trends, news, and opportunities, published on the ACEDS site as “TRU Trends.” Read the February post HERE and the March post HERE!
TRU’s in the News
TRU is a regular resource for journalists with questions both within the niche verticals of data privacy, e-discovery, and cybersecurity as well as on more general topics like job market trends and success in job searching. Journalists from the editor at Legaltech News to producers at Corpus Christi’s KRIS-6 NBC affiliate and more have quoted and interviewed TRU founder and CEO Jared Coseglia in Q1. Find all television appearances HERE and quoted articles HERE!
TRU Speaking Engagements
American Bar Association
- “How to Get Hired as a Privacy Professional”
- TRU’s Jared Coseglia and Jess Barre joined Doug Forman, Certification Director at IAPP, and Rita Heimes, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at IAPP, for this webinar hosted on February 3 by Donata Stroink-Skillrud, President at Termaggedon. The panelists discussed how to find a job in one of the fastest-growing industries under the legal umbrella, including which certification and experience requirements will make you stick out in the competitive market. Watch the full webinar HERE!
Minnesota CLE
- Damien Riehl, a regular Minnesota CLE contributor, interviewed Coseglia for a session at the 2021 Midwest Legal Conference on Privacy & Data Security on February 9 and 10. Riehl asked Coseglia to articulate the past, present, and future state of the data privacy and data protection job market, highlighting the more dynamic changes as a result of COVID-19.
TRU and EDRM (Electronic Discovery Resource Model)
- “Q1 2021 Legaltech Job Market Report”
- View the full webinar from February 18, full of updated information on what happened in the legal tech job market in Q4 and what to expect in Q1 HERE!
IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) and Forrester Research via LinkedIn Live
- “State of the Privacy Market”
- Coseglia joined IAPP VP & Chief Knowledge Officer Omer Tene and Enza Iannopollo, Senior Analyst, Security and Risk at Forrester Research, on March 3 for a LinkedIn Live webinar asking important questions for privacy pros: How has the privacy tech industry fared in 2020? How has the pandemic affected privacy hiring? What are the trends in contract and full-time positions in privacy programs? How has the digital transformation affected searching, networking, and interviewing for jobs? Watch the full webinar HERE!
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
- “Privacy: The ‘Pandemic-Proof’ Industry”
- On March 4, Coseglia spoke at Cleveland State University’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law with Brian Ray, Director, Center for Cybersecuirty and Privacy Protection, and Julie DiBiasio, Director, Graduate Studies and Professional Development, discussing the resilience and even growth of the privacy vertical throughout the pandemic.
University of Florida Levin College of Law’s E-Discovery Conference 2021
- “Legal Tech Jobs: Before and After the Pandemic”
- On March 18, Coseglia returned to speak virtually to students through experienced e-discovery practitioners after the pandemic forced a UF Law to take a hiatus in 2020. Speaking as part of the lightning-round “e-Discovery Nuts & Bolts” session, Coseglia gave a rapid-fire account of the state of the legal tech job market and how it has changed as a result of the pandemic. Watch the full clip HERE!
Upcoming Events
EDRM Webinar Series
- Look for information coming soon on TRU’s quarterly webinar with EDRM, this quarter focusing on how job seekers can take advantage of the current surplus of job openings in ESI..
American Bar Association
- “How to Hire a Privacy Dream Team”
- May 19 will see Barre reunite with Stroink-Skillrud and the ABA for a webinar that will coach hiring managers and privacy team leaders on how to successfully build an excellent privacy team.
- TRU Director of Recruitment and Account Management Sarah Roberts will appear on a webinar hosted by PrivacyRef on May 11 to offer her job market knowledge as well a coaching career development in the ever-expanding privacy vertical. TRU will announce more information soon!
- “Eye on ESI”
- The second of these quarterly webinars will take place June 3 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Keep an eye on TRU’s social media for registration to open as the date approaches!
For information on additional events, please follow TRU on LinkedIn and Twitter and subscribe to our Hot Jobs Newsletter for updates on TRU’s virtual speaking engagements and appearances.