
No More ‘Strategic Advantage’? Remote Legal Tech Job Market Means More Competition | Insights | TRU Staffing Partners

Written by TRU Staffing Partners | January 27, 2021 at 5:00 AM

Many legal tech companies have grown more comfortable with the prospect of hiring top candidates who don't live in proximity to a central office location. But a shift to a larger talent market could increase the level of competition among both job seekers and employers. Frank Ready quotes TRU founder and CEO Jared Coseglia multiple times in “No More ‘Strategic Advantage’? Remote Legal Tech Job Market Means More Competition.”

Jared Coseglia, founder and CEO of TRU Staffing Partners, indicated that companies are moving quickly with employment offers for top candidates, noting that some organizations have finalized job placements within the course of a single day. “The speed at which you move on talent when you want them will be, in my opinion, the No. 1 differentiator among employers,” he said.

Coseglia pointed out that companies are relying on specialized contract workers to address specific and immediate needs within the organization, so they don’t need to get all of their skill sets in one hire. That’s good news for job seekers competing on a national or global stage. “There’s a lot of competition, but there’s also a lot of jobs,” Coseglia said.