Fit4Privacy is a data privacy consulting firm that advises organizations about privacy opportunities and helps them mitigate risk to gain control over data. The firm frequently hosts podcasts with industry professionals to help listeners stay connected with the latest news on data protection. A recent Fit4Privacy podcast with Punit Bhatia, the firm’s CEO, featured an extensive talk with Jared Coseglia, Founder and CEO of TRU Staffing Partners and focused on TRU’s recently published 2022 Data Privacy Jobs Report. Part one of their conversation is noted below.
Data privacy work forever changed by the pandemic
Punit Bhatia: Jared, tell me about your new data privacy jobs report.
Jared Coseglia: This report aims to gives guidance to both job seekers and hiring managers on what is happening in this tumultuous, ever-changing, fast-paced job market. We researched and wrote this report because we have witnessed the massive changes in the industry of data privacy. We documented how it’s evolving and maturing coming out of the pandemic.
Data privacy work has been forever changed by the pandemic and that has dramatically affected the data privacy job market. The report gives guidance on everything data privacy hiring managers and job-seekers need to know:
- New shortened timelines to hire
- Innovative staffing models
- How hiring managers can describe their program’s its maturity model to attract the best-fit candidates
- Current salary information, including what different job titles are commanding in the industry, and a lot more.
Businesses of all sizes need and want experienced data privacy talent right now; however, privacy staffing is not one-size-fits-all. Every organization is in a unique state of data privacy program maturity — from needing ground-zero executive leadership to building robust privacy engineering teams.
Real data from real
privacy jobs
PB: I have heard of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Data Privacy Salary Survey, which focuses on how much data privacy professionals earn based on experience. Some people say it is US-centric. How is your survey different?
JC: Salary surveys like the IAPP version (and so many others out there), generally request their members to volunteer information about what they are earning in the marketplace.
Our data comes from real jobs that have been actually accepted by our candidates in the timeframes we have researched for this report. So, the data for me is a little bit more authentic and immediate. It’s not at all voluntary – it’s all fact, and direct from the results of people moving roles. TRU collected all of the data necessary to put out this type of report. It contains TRU’s key takeaways from serving the data privacy community for more than a decade, coupled with our proven strategies to help increase successful talent attraction and acquisition. of data privacy talent
Job changes in data privacy lead to higher earnings
PB: So, this report is a compilation of data of the people who have changed jobs through TRU along with other data you had?
JC: Correct. The inflection point is at the time someone actually changes jobs. That’s the other difference from a salary survey. A salary survey may collect salary information, but that person may be sitting in the same job for a long time. That may have a completely different impact on what their compensation is, how they got hired, what the timeline to hire was, or what their title was than say someone who is switching companies in order to move financially or vertically up.
What TRU is presenting in this report is that inflection point data at the time someone changes jobs. This differs from salaries based on great performance, longevity, or acceleration or a lack of accelerated earning potential. Incremental raises are not considered part of our study. Meanwhile, the people in the market in 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 were getting anywhere from a 22% to 30% increase in base compensation at the point when they accepted a new job.
And we’ve seen that speed matters, too. In 2019, the average timeline from sending a resume to getting an offer for a midmarket, full-time privacy candidate was three to six weeks. For executives, directors, and CPOs, that timeline was three to six months. In 2021, the timetable for hiring a program manager, analyst, specialist, or engineer truncated to a mere eight business days. For executives, the timetables shrank to a rapid three to six weeks. Those metrics have only extended slightly in Q1 2022 (12 days), and we see no sign of the market slowing down this speed of hire.
PB: How can someone get access to this report?
JC: Visit our website at TRU Staffing Partners to download a copy. It’s free and available to anyone who wants a copy.