
Could e-Discovery Pros Fill the Insatiable Demand for Cybersecurity Talent? | News & Events | TRU Staffing Partners

Written by TRU Staffing Partners | July 14, 2017 at 4:00 AM

When looking at the cybersecurity industry from a jobs perspective, there is no denying demand for talent far exceeds supply. In May of 2017, Cybersecurity Ventures estimated “there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021.” With so many lingering vacant job requisitions, who will step up with the skills and experience necessary to satiate the explosive need for cybersecurity talent in the United States?

One niche subset of the legal technology community is not only ripe, but actively preparing for a career transition that sets them on a course toward a future in cybersecurity. These are e-discovery professionals. The history of e-discovery, as a microcosm, reflects much of the wildly incongruent supply/demand in today’s cybersecurity career landscape.

As that industry commoditizes, opportunistic experts in electronic discovery are looking at cybersecurity as their next logical career path. Cybersecurity and information protection experts would be wise to respect and self-educate on legal technology trends and talent, specifically the electronic discovery industry, as these communities are headed for a collision that will forever entwine the two disciplines. Here’s how and why e-discovery professionals will affect and permeate the cybersecurity job market. Read the full article HERE!