Hire Talent
Save time finding the right resource for your team while we connect you with the best talent in the marketplace.
TRU helps you connect strategy to execution with talent, helping you tackle your most challenging initiatives to grow your business.
EDiscovery Professionals
We place skilled professionals across a range of disciplines, from project management and ESI specialists to sales professionals and executive leaders with cutting-edge technical and subject matter expertise.
We make it easy to quickly find and hire highly qualified and diverse privacy professionals that seamlessly integrate into your organization and help you get the job done.
Cybersecurity Professionals
Access a global network of cybersecurity experts covering every area and level of cybersecurity, from cybersecurity analysts to CISOs.
Our Process
As the world's leading talent network for privacy, eDiscovery, and cybersecurity, with a roster of tens of thousands of active candidates across every conceivable practice area at all levels of experience and responsibility, we source selectively and proactively to ensure your talent is a perfect fit at the perfect time.

Industry Expertise
Our talent agents want to make a difference in people’s lives. Most have legal, eDiscovery, privacy, or security backgrounds themselves, but they all have a passion for sourcing exceptional talent, and helping people find their dream jobs.
We pride ourselves on understanding the intricacies of all our clients’ industries and practice areas. From law firms to public corporations, from legal service providers to technology startups, our candidates have the relevant experience and we know how to find the right person to tackle your business problems.
Deep Vetting
Every candidate is fully screened and vetted, which includes thorough phone screenings, video interviews, technical skill assessments, and “soft” skill evaluation. Where appropriate, we also conduct formal reference check reviews and criminal background checks.

Skills Assessment
We don’t source candidates based on job titles. Instead, we partner with you to understand the skills needed for the role, and align the ideal candidate based on technical skills, relevant experience, and “soft” skills, like culture fit. TRU's skills assessments are the most comprehensive in the industry, inclusive of deep technical skills assessments for privacy, eDiscovery, and cybersecurity platforms, systems, and tools, as well as harder-to-quantify skills assessments for sales and project management professionals.
Thorough Prepping
We care about sourcing great talent. We take time to gain a deep understanding of your brand and values, so we can recruit those who not only meet the job requirements but will be an asset to your company culture – regardless of employment status. Our talent agents conduct thorough prep calls with every TRU candidate for each role you have, and once a fit is determined, our scheduling team makes your interview process smooth as silk. From start to finish, hiring great talent is turnkey with TRU.

Talent by the Numbers
Drawing from a roster of tens of thousands of top talent across diverse backgrounds, we match your specific needs with experienced professionals. Whether you need an executive leader or a front-line specialist, whether you need talent in privacy, eDiscovery, or cybersecurity for a short or long-term engagement, TRU is your ultimate cost-effective and flexible partner – that never compromises expertise.
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The TRU difference
Quality: Hire the best quality professionals for any privacy, eDiscovery, or cybersecurity position - temporary or permanent.
Speed: Find talent at the speed of business, and scale your team in days, not weeks.
Cost-effective: Hire talent at rates that are competitive, fair, sustainable, and transparent.
Expertise: Access a global network of thousands of professionals with deep expertise covering every area of practice in privacy, eDiscovery, and cybersecurity.
Flexibility: Avoid the fixed costs of full-time hires while growing your capabilities with TRU contractors; source your forever candidate with a direct hire; or try-before-you buy with a contract-to-hire arrangement.
Roles We Cover
Privacy Analysts, Privacy Program Managers, Chief Privacy Officers
EDiscovery Project Managers, ESI managers, Processing Specialists, EDiscovery Document Review Team Leaders
EDiscovery Sales Professionals, EDiscovery Sales Managers, EDiscovery Solution Architects
Cybersecurity Analysts, Chief Information Security Officers, Cybersecurity Managers
Privacy Marketing Specialists, Privacy Counsel, Privacy Specialists, Privacy Managers