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EDiscovery Salary Insights

Powerful Job Market Metrics From EDiscovery Experts

Uncover the ideal compensation for your team, be right on the money in attracting, winning, and retaining your next hire, and get essential salary insights for your hiring strategy. Our detailed salary guide offers point-of-hire compensation data for various roles at multiple levels across eDiscovery employer types. Keep abreast of current market rates to secure top talent and stay ahead of the competition.

US Service Providers and Law Firm ESI Salary Metrics

Get your copy of TRU Staffing Partners' "US Service Providers and Law Firm ESI Salary Averages." Get critical insight on baseline plus total compensation averages at the point of hire for eDiscovery roles ranging from technician, project manager, and analyst to C-suite and sales. These exclusive market metrics will help you win and retain the best talent, and make savvy career choices.

2024 EDiscovery Job Market Report

Get your copy of the report everyone's been talking about — the 2024 EDiscovery Jobs Report. With leading insights from top experts, you'll walk away with everything you need to know to build your next-gen eDiscovery team, find your perfect next career move, and set your sights on success.

Explore Our Latest Insights

Explore new, noteworthy, and essential resources, research, and insights for staying ahead in the eDiscovery job market.

Eye on ESI Webinar Series: Monthly Job Market Metrics

Join TRU Staffing Partners and ACEDs for our monthly webinar that provides the latest on industry trends as well as practical tips on job search and professional development issues for seasoned and newer lawyers and eDiscovery and legal technology professionals.

On-Demand | 30-Minute Workshop: Resume Clinic for Ediscovery Project Managers

In this dynamic resume clinic, our experienced hosts dissect de-identified, anonymized, and aggregated example resumes to illustrate effective editing techniques. They will showcase how to transform your resume into a compelling document that captures the attention of hiring managers.

Leverage ESI Contractors to Maximize Success

Everything you need to know to accelerate topline revenue generation through innovative hiring modalities — from up-to-the-minute, exclusive market metrics, tips to win the best talent, insights from leading eDiscovery talent agents, tips for building an agile ESI team, and more critical insights for staying ahead of the competition during economic ups and downs.

Ready to unlock salary insights?

Let's dive deeper together into how to wield TRU's salary data to attract, win, onboard, and retain the best high-potential talent for your eDiscovery team.

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