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Hiring Manager
Resource Center

Your one-stop destination for job market intelligence that will give you competitive advantage when hiring ediscovery professionals. 


Leverage ESI Contractors to Maximize Success

Get everything you need to know to accelerate topline revenue generation through innovative hiring modalities — from up-to-the-minute, exclusive market metrics, tips to win the best talent, insights from leading ediscovery talent agents, tips for building an agile ESI team, and more critical insights for staying ahead of the competition.

Relativity Skills’ Impact on the Ediscovery Job Market: A Five-Year Analysis

Relativity Skills’ Impact on the Ediscovery Job Market: A Five-Year Analysis

Get your copy of TRU's comprehensive report — Relativity Skills’ Impact on the Ediscovery Job Market: A Five-Year Analysis. With leading insights from the past half-decade of TRU's proprietary Relativity skills self-assessment, job seekers and hiring managers will walk away with actionable insights pulled from historical data.

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Eye on ESI: Monthly Webinar Series

Join TRU Staffing Partners and ACEDs for a monthly webinar that provides the latest on industry trends as well as practical tips on attracting, hiring, and retaining ESI team members for law firms, service providers, and corporations.

2024 Ediscovery Jobs Report

Get your copy of the report everyone's been talking about — the 2024 Ediscovery Jobs Report. With leading insights, real-world data, and crucial guidance, you'll walk away with everything you need to know to build your next-gen ediscovery team and set your sights on success.

Real-World ESI Salary Benchmarks

Get your copy of TRU Staffing Partners' "US Service Providers and Law Firm ESI Salary Metrics." Get critical insight on baseline plus total compensation averages for ediscovery roles ranging from technician to C-Suite. These exclusive market metrics will help you attract, win, and retain the best talent.

Top Ediscovery Talent

Whether you need to fill a short-term vacancy, a direct hire to complete your team, or you're building an ediscovery team from scratch, TRU's ediscovery talent agents will connect you with a wide network of ediscovery professionals.

Why Work with TRU

When you’re hiring to fill ediscovery roles, you need four things: Speed, flexibility, expertise, and influence. TRU Staffing Partners delivers all four — plus a whole lot more.

Stay Updated on Industry Top Insights

Never miss a beat when it comes to all things TRU Staffing Partners. Whether it's expert thought leadership, top talent, top jobs, or our latest events, TRU's newsletters cover the topics that matter most with career and business insights handpicked by our experts.

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